Why diversity should be high on your pension scheme's agenda
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is rising up pension schemes’ agenda. Don’t get left behind.
DEI is a vital element of the drive to embrace environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. Organisations that take DEI seriously meet the evolving expectations of investors, consumers, employees and other groups in society — and diverse leadership has been shown to lead to better governance.
Mercer’s Overcoming Racial Inequities in UK Organisations report shows 55% of employers have felt pressure in the past two years to improve outcomes based on racial and ethnic DEI outcomes. More than one in eight companies say employees are driving this momentum and many also report pressure from customers, competitors and their boards of directors.
DEI is spreading inevitably from the corporate agenda to companies’ pension schemes. You can’t afford to ignore the significance of DEI.
Watch our video to find out what you need to know and what your first steps should be on your journey to ensure DEI is on your agenda
DEI, governance, pension schemes and the regulator
Diversityis about who is represented in an organisation based on gender, age, ethnic background, neurodiversity and other characteristics.
Equityrefers to fair treatment so that people have the chance to succeed irrespective of background or identity.
Inclusionrequires employers to make sure everyone can contribute and is heard.
Enhancing the diversity of trustee boards by recruiting people from different backgrounds and increasing trustees’ awareness of DEI issues to improve decision-making and, ultimately, member outcomes
Ensuring that the diverse needs of the millions of pension savers in the UK are understood and met, for example through appropriate investment options and clear communication that helps people make good decisions
Diverse organisations perform better — including pension schemes
Here are some important factors driving adoption of DEI within pension schemes:
- Parent companies with ambitious DEI agendas want their pension schemes to be aligned with corporate goals to protect their reputations.
- Society has changed and auto-enrolment has brought a wider range of members into pension schemes.
- Good governance requires a range of voices to avoid groupthink and make effective decisions. A diverse trustee board will have stronger debates that ensure issues are thoroughly tested by people with different views.
- Member engagement is crucial, especially when inflation is affecting investment returns and putting household budgets under pressure. Embracing DEI will help schemes communicate effectively with members. (Read more about improving member engagement and outcomes)
- Investment returns could be improved if people with a range of views make decisions and review strategies. If five people start off with a similar perspective they are less likely to consider alternative courses and the decision may not be the best.
- Diversity is also about making sure a trustee board has a wide range of skills and experience. If all the trustees have investment experience and none of them understand member communication or are willing to take part in a risk sub-committee, the trustee board is weaker.
- If all meetings are after work, trustees with caring responsibilities may struggle to attend and this could mean losing an important voice.
- If new trustees are recruited based on who the board knows, there will be limited scope for new viewpoints and ideas.
Now is the time to embrace diversity, equity and inclusion
of scheme trustees are male
of scheme trustees are aged over 60
of DB schemes have recorded trustee diversity data
of DC schemes have recorded trustee diversity data
There are risks attached to standing still and not making your scheme more diverse, equitable and inclusive. These include:
- Reputational risk for parent companies and trustees if trustee boards do not reflect the employer’s stated values
- Falling behind on expectations and standards as best practice develops and spreads from forward-thinking schemes that are already embracing DEI
- Best practice that shapes specific measures prescribed by regulators, putting further pressure on schemes that have not acted
- Poor member outcomes that prompt scrutiny of the scheme’s governance, exposing a lack of diversity on the trustee board
- Challenges appointing trustees that bring diversity if you leave it too late and there is a shortage of candidates
Watch our video report on DEI in pensions
Next steps towards creating a more diverse pension scheme
Formalising the scheme’s policies
Checking the policies of advisors and investment managers
Training, including unconscious bias training
Trustee recruitment and succession planning
Reviewing member communications
How DEI can improve member engagement and outcomes
Schemes want members to take more interest in their pensions and they are more likely to do so if they feel represented. If your scheme embraces DEI, engagement and outcomes should improve.
- If a trustee board represents, at least to some extent, the scheme’s membership or wider society, it will be better at gauging member reactions and understanding their needs.
- A diverse trustee board will also be better equipped to understand the differing needs of members, whether that be, for example, younger workers, single parents or ethnic minorities.
- A range of experiences and approaches could lead to better investment choices — not just in terms of risk and return. Does your scheme offer investment options that are appropriate for your members’ beliefs?
- Trustees of many schemes are increasingly open and accessible to members, either one to one or at seminars and drop-ins. This approach is likely to be more successful if there is a mix of trustees for members to meet.
- Member communication is vitally important, especially at a time of economic stress. Acknowledge the diversity of your membership and adjust how you communicate according to their needs.
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